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Keeping up-to-date information about ACSC member clubs posted on this website is one of the key goals of both the ACSC & SOS. To this end, the help of representatives from each member club is vital. Please use the forms posted on this page to update your club's information whenever you have a change. There are three ways you can get your club's information updated on this website.

1. Complete your information online:

Click here to Update Your Club Informationm Online

2. Send an email to the WEBMASTER with the current information for your club in this format:

Any Shag Club
P.O. Box 247
Shagtown, SC 26301
John Doe

3. Download a form in Microsoft Word format or in Adobe PDF format:

This form is filled out, printed, & turned in at the ACSC meeting that follows your club's election of officers each year. However, it can also be mailed or emailed at any time of the year:

Mailing Address if you choose this method is:

Becky Berry
A.C.S.C. Secretary
1381 A Jefferson Dr.
Florence, S.C. 29501

Or emailed to the A.C.S.C. Secretary at acscsecretary2018@gmail.com or the SOS webmaster.