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Junior Shag Association
National Fast Dance


ACSC Requirements, Policies & Procedures for Membership

Membership in the A.C.S.C., (Source: A.C.S.C. Bylaws)

Membership Classifications

Full Member
A club entitled to all rights and privileges within the Association
Price - $50.00

Associate Member
A club that has been accepted for membership, but has not yet met the qualifications to become a Full Member, or does not desire to become a Full Member. Associate Members shall have no voting rights, and shall receive no direct monetary compensation from the Association.

Price - $50.00

Subscriber Member
A membership status that is designed solely for the sharing of information. Subscriber Members shall have no voting rights, and shall receive no direct monetary compensations from the Association.
Price - $25.00


Full Membership in the Association is open to any shag or dance club with duly elected officers, membership dues, regularly scheduled meetings, and a written charter or bylaws that explicitly state that the purpose of the club is the promotion and preservation of shag dancing and beach music.

Shag or dance clubs which seek membership shall have been in existence for six (6) months before submitting application for membership.

Application form submission:
Mail to the A.C.S.C. Secretary.
You must include a check for applicable dues and a copy of the club charter or bylaws

Click here to download the A.C.S.C. Membership Application Form as a text document.
Click here to download the A.C.S.C. Membership Application Form as an Adobe PDF document.

Acceptance Process

The Board of Advisors shall appoint a sponsor club, located as close as possible to the applying club, to send one or more of its members to attend a function of the applying club. The Association will reimburse the sponsor for reasonable expenses for travel, meals, and lodging.

Applying clubs shall be voted upon at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Association after these requirements have been met. The sponsor club's representative and a representative of the applying club must be present on the day the applying club is voted upon.

Voting for membership shall be by secret ballot by the Board of Advisors. A two-thirds affirmative vote by the Board of Advisors present shall be necessary for acceptance.

Each new club accepted for membership will be considered an Associate Member with no voting rights and with no monetary compensations or benefits from the Association for a period of one year. An Associate Member becomes a Full Member after one year if all dues have been paid, and they have met the attendance requirements.


The Board of Advisors shall establish dues.
Dues notices will be sent out to member clubs by December 31st.
Dues are payable by January 31st.
Member clubs who are more than 60 days delinquent will have voting, and other privileges deferred until dues are paid. Member clubs more than 90 days delinquent will be presented to the Board of Advisors at the next general membership meeting for review and possible revocation of membership.
Dues for Full Members are currently $50.00 annually. Subscriber members due are $25.00.

Maintaining Membership

Pay dues by January 31st
Have at least one representative at the Winter Workshop, Summer Workshop, and at least one other regularly scheduled meeting during the calendar year

Failure to attend the required meetings will result in being placed on probation for a period of one year during which time the club shall have no voting rights, and shall receive no monetary compensations from the Association. If the club fails to meet membership requirements during that period, it will be dropped from membership in the Association.

"Forgiveness" may be granted for meeting absence if cause is submitted in writing (prior to the meeting, except in emergency situations) to the Chairman, and approved by the Board of Advisors.

Any club having membership revoked may reapply after ninety (90) days

Voting During A.C.S.C. Meetings

Each Full Member Club not on probation or Associate status is entitled to one (1) vote per club on those issues requiring a vote