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Back To Top2025JANUARY 2025January 11: Shag Dance in the Ocean Isle Beach Area of North Carolina. Hosted by: Ocean Islanders Shag Club. Location: VFW, located at 900 Carter Drive SW in Calabash, NC. 28467. Cost: $5/person for members and members of other shag clubs; $10 for guests. Time: 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM; Doors open at 6:15 PM. DJ: Ken Schafer. Details: A ‘pot luck’ light snack table and a cash bar will be available (no BYOB please). Check out our FaceBook page for more detail: https://www.facebook.com/oceanislandersshagclub/, or our website https://www.oceanislanders.com JANUARY 18: "WINTER WONDERLAND" PARTY IN Rock Hill, SC. Hosted by ROCK HILL SHAG CLUB. Location: RH Moose Lodge, 1025 Ebinport Road, Rock Hill, SC. Cost: Members $5; Guests $7. Time 7:00 - 11:00 pm. DJ: CURTIS TREECE. Contact: Debbie Brown at rockhillshagclub@gmail.com. Website: www.rockhillshagclub.com JANUARY 30, 2025 -FEBRUARY 1, 2025 Name: A CAROLINA WINTER CLASSIC in HILTON HEAD ISLAND SC Hosted by: HILTON HEAD ISLAND CAROLINA SHAG CLUB. Location: SONESTA RESORT 130 SHIPYARD DR. in HILTON HEAD SC, 29928. Cost: $150.00. Time: SCHEDULE TO BE RELEASED AT A LATER DATE. DJ(s): JOHN SMITH AND AL GOSSETT. Details: Thursday: Pre-Party dance. Friday: Evening dancing with Hall of Fame DJ John Smith. Saturday: Semi-formal evening dancing with the fabulous Catalinas and DJ Al Gossett. Shag Workshop by Steve and Kathy Day, Line dance workshop with our very own Leigh Lawrence, an Exhibition dance by Junior Shaggers, Plated dinners Friday and Saturday evening, Cash Bar, Raffles, and more. Hotel: SONESTARESORT .Contact: BECKY COBB email becky.cobb@outlook.com Web Address: HILTON HEAD SHAG CLUB FLYER: Winter Classic Flyer FEBRUARY 2025February 8: ShagAtlanta Valentine's Day Party in Alpharetta, GA. Hosted by: ShagAtlanta. Location: Brimstone Restaurant and Tavern 10595 Old Alabama Connector Rd in Alpharetta, GA. Cost: Free for members, $5 Cover for non-members. Time: 7-11PM. DJ(s): Rich Kopels. Web Address: shagatlanta.com February13 - 15: Chicken Pickin' By the Sea hosted by the LAKE NORMAN SHAG CLUB; Location: OD Arcade & Lounge in North Myrtle Beach, SC; DJs: Gene Hensley, JR Norfleet, Donnie "Fish" Meadows & Daddy George, Phil Long, CurtisTreece, and John "B"; 50/50; Shag Workshop w/Chad & Stella Duggins; Line Dance w/Chris Perrell & Sandi Surratt; Auction and Mystery Raffle; Contact: Angie Robinette (704) 607-3243. Click Here for the flyer, T-shirt Order Form and more information. February 22: Mardi Gras Lancaster, SC. Hosted by: Lancaster Shag Club . Location: La Chalupa Mexican Restaurant in Lancaster,SC. Cost: $ for shag club member, $10 for guests Time: 7pm-10pm. DJ(s): Buck Crumpton DJ. Details: Mardi Gras Party, Cash Bar, Menu or Buffet available . Contact: Renee' Baker 803-287-5860 or check Facebook page - Lancaster Shag Club February 14: Jim Quick & Coastline hosted by the The Harnett Area Shag Association; Location: Dunn Shrine Club, 211 N. Clinton Ave., Dunn, NC; Cost: $30 at the door, Reserve Tables Available for $25 Per seat; Details: Doors open at 7pm, Pork Loin & Trimmings, Bring a desert. Website www.hasadance.weebly.com; Click Here for the Flyer and more information. FEBRUARY 15: "VALENTINES" PARTY in Rock Hill, SC. Hosted by ROCK HILL SHAG CLUB. Location: RH Moose Lodge, 1025 Ebinport Road, Rock Hill, SC. Cost: Members $5; Guests $7. Time 7:00 - 11:00 pm. DJ: TIM BOGGS. Contact: Debbie Brown at rockhillshagclub@gmail.com. Website: www.rockhillshagclub.com February 15, 2025: The Palmetto Shag Club will be having a Winter Party at The Barn 680 Cherokee Lane West Columbia, SC 29169. The fun begins at 7:00pm with DJ Furman Dominick. There will be a meal and an Open Bar. Cost is $25 for Associate Members, arrangements must be made before the party. For further information, contact: Susan Martin at susan.martin956@gmail.com or 803-609-8170 Web Address: www.palmettoshagclub.com
MARCH 2025MARCH 15: "ST. PATRICKS DAY" PARTY in Rock Hill, SC. Hosted by ROCK HILL SHAG CLUB. Location: RH Moose Lodge, 1025 Ebinport Road, Rock Hill, SC. Cost: Members $5; Guests $7. Time 7:00 - 11:00 pm. DJ: CHUCK WEAVER. Contact: Debbie Brown at rockhillshagclub@gmail.com. Website: www.rockhillshagclub.com March 15: ShagAtlanta St Patrick's Day Party in Alpharetta, GA. Hosted by: ShagAtlanta. Location: Brimstone Restaurant and Tavern 10595 Old Alabama Connector Rd in Alpharetta, GA. Cost: Free for members, $5 Cover for non-members. Time: 7-11PM. DJ(s): Ken Hughes. Web Address: shagatlanta.com March 16: Band Of OZ hosted by the The Harnett Area Shag Association; Location: Dunn Shrine Club, 211 N. Clinton Ave., Dunn, NC; Cost: $30 at the door, Reserve Tables Available for $25 Per seat; Details: Doors open at 4pm,Heavy Hors d'oeuvres & Cash Bar, Bring a desert. Website www.hasadance.weebly.com; Click Here for the Flyer and more information. MARCH 29: "5TH SATURDAY PARTY" in Rock Hill, SC. Details to follow.
APRIL 2025April 5, 2025: The Palmetto Shag Club will be having a Member Appreciation Party at The Barn 680 Cherokee Lane West Columbia, SC 29169. The fun begins at 7:00pm with DJ Keith Williamson. There will be a meal and an Open Bar. Cost is $25 for Associate Members, arrangements must be made before the party. For further information, contact: Susan Martin at susan.martin956@gmail.com or 803-609-8170 Web Address: www.palmettoshagclub.com APRIL 19: "EASTER" PARTY in Rock Hill, SC. Hosted by ROCK HILL SHAG CLUB. Location: RH Moose Lodge, 1025 Ebinport Road, Rock Hill, SC. Cost: Members $5; Guests $7. Time 7:00 - 11:00 pm. DJ: PHIL LONG. Contact: Debbie Brown at rockhillshagclub@gmail.com. Website: www.rockhillshagclub.com
MAY 2025MA7 17: "MAY FLOWERS" PARTY in Rock Hill, SC. Hosted by ROCK HILL SHAG CLUB. Location: RH Moose Lodge, 1025 Ebinport Road, Rock Hill, SC. Cost: Members $5; Guests $7. Time 7:00 - 11:00 pm. DJ: BILLY FANNING. Contact: Debbie Brown at rockhillshagclub@gmail.com. Website: www.rockhillshagclub.com May 30 – June 1, 2025: SOUTHERN COMFORT 27 in Columbia, S.C. hosted by Palmetto Shag Club LOCATION: Double Tree by Hilton, 2100 Bush River Rd, Columbia, SC 29210 (Located at Bush River Rd at I-20) COST: $100 per person, DJ(s): John Smith, Buck Crumpton, Chigger Woods, Billy Fanning, Furman Dominick, John Fletcher, Keith Williamson and Mark Swygert. DETAILS: Park and Party, 40x36 Professional Dance Floor, Super Hospitality Suite each afternoon including music, dancing, heavy Hors d'oeuvres and an Open Bar, Free Shag Workshop with Charlie Womble & Jackie McGee and Free Line Dance Workshop with Brenda Taylor, Best Pool Party around, Chinese Auction, Fabulous Vendors, Room Rate $119/night Call with Group Code CDT92W (866) 247-3572 or book online at https://hil.tn/4yz98u. Beautiful Rooms w/Refrigerators (King or 2 Queens), Suite available at additional cost. Buffet breakfast, and Saturday Evening Meal provided. For further information,contact: Susan Martin at 803-609-8170 or email susan.martin956@gmail.com . Web Address:www.palmettoshagclub.com
JUNE 2025JUNE 21: "PROM NIGHT" in Rock Hill, SC. Hosted by ROCK HILL SHAG CLUB. Location: RH Moose Lodge, 1025 Ebinport Road, Rock Hill, SC. Cost: Members $5; Guests $7. Time 7:00 - 11:00 pm. DJ: GLENN PRIDGEN. Contact: Debbie Brown at rockhillshagclub@gmail.com. Website: www.rockhillshagclub.com
JULY 2025JULY 19: "RED, WHITE, & BLUE" PARTY in Rock Hill, SC. Hosted by ROCK HILL SHAG CLUB. Location: RH Moose Lodge, 1025 Ebinport Road, Rock Hill, SC. Cost: Members $5; Guests $7. Time 7:00 - 11:00 pm. DJ: MARK SWYGERT. Contact: Debbie Brown at rockhillshagclub@gmail.com. Website: www.rockhillshagclub.com
********SOLD OUT********July 25-26: SPARKLE CITY CELEBRATION in Spartanburg, SC. Hosted by: R&B Shag Club. Location: Spartanburg Marriott at 299 North Church St., Spartanburg, SC 29306. Cost: $110 through July 3. DJ(s): David O’Quinn, Larry Simmons, John Smith, Bobby Vaughn, Billy Waldrep. Details: Free dance workshop with Jackie McGee and Charlie Womble.*********SOLD OUT************* Pool party with Duck Race, Great Hospitality Suite. Split the Pot - Vendors - Booze Buggy. Two delicious meals in the ballroom. Hotel: Spartanburg Marriott, $153 Shag Club Rate through July 3. For Reservations call 864-596-1211 or online at https://www.rbshagclub.org/room. Contact: David Blackwell 864-415-1928, dfblackwell@charter.net or Danny Rhodes 864-473-7682, dannyrhodes5@yahoo.com. For Flyer: https://www.rbshagclub.org/flyers/SCC2025.pdf*********SOLD OUT*************
AUGUST 2025August 2, 2025: The Palmetto Shag Club will be having a Re-up Party at The Barn 680 Cherokee Lane West Columbia, SC 29169. The fun begins at 7:00pm with DJ John Fletcher. There will be a meal and an Open Bar. Cost is $25 for Associate Members, arrangements must be made before the party. For further information, contact: Susan Martin at 803-609-8170 or email susan.martin956@gmail.com . Web Address: www.palmettoshagclub.com Aug 15 & 16: Meet Me In The Middle for a Sand Flea Reunion hosted by the Carolina Shag Club; LOCATION: Embassy Suites, 670 Verdae Blvd, Greenville SC 29607, Hotel info: 1-800-218-8712 Must use code "SHAG" in order to receive discounted room rate of $158+ tax. Includes breakfast and 2 cocktail drinks; COST: $90 before July 1st, and $95 after; DJs: Buck Crumpton, Norman Mills, Bobby Vaughn, Becky Wilson; Workshops: Multi-level workshops with Steve Balok & Myers Floyd and Line Dance workshop with Dionne Mills; CONTACT: Skip Watkins at 864-314-6236 or Email: skipwatkins@bellsouth.net AUGUST 16: "RHSC NIGHT" PARTY - REMEMBERING OUR CLUB in Rock Hill, SC. Hosted by ROCK HILL SHAG CLUB. Location: RH Moose Lodge, 1025 Ebinport Road, Rock Hill, SC. Cost: Members $5; Guests $7. Time 7:00 - 11:00 pm. DJ: NORMAN MILLS. RAFFLE WAGON TICKETS TO BE DRAWN. Contact: Debbie Brown at rockhillshagclub@gmail.com. Website: www.rockhillshagclub.com
SEPTEMBER 2025SEPTEMBER 19: FALL SOS BEACH PARTY. Hossted by Rock Hill Shag Club on the beach in front of Ocean Bay Club. Time: 1-5 pm. DJ: Frank Price & Phil Long. SEPTEMBER 27: "COWBOY NIGHT" in Rock Hill, SC. Wear your western attire. Hosted by ROCK HILL SHAG CLUB. Location: RH Moose Lodge, 1025 Ebinport Road, Rock Hill, SC. Cost: Members $5; Guests $7. Time 7:00 - 11:00 pm. DJ: TBD. Contact: Debbie Brown at rockhillshagclub@gmail.com. Website: www.rockhillshagclub.com
OCTOBER 2025OCTOBER 18: "HALLOWEEN" PARTY in Rock Hill, SC. Come dressed to impress - Costume Contest. Hosted by ROCK HILL SHAG CLUB. Location: RH Moose Lodge, 1025 Ebinport Road, Rock Hill, SC. Cost: Members $5; Guests $7. Time 7:00 - 11:00 pm. DJ: DONNIE MEADOWS. Contact: Debbie Brown at rockhillshagclub@gmail.com. Website: www.rockhillshagclub.com
NOVEMBER 2025NOVEMBER 15: "HONORING OUR VETERANS" in Rock Hill, SC. Hosted by ROCK HILL SHAG CLUB. Location: RH Moose Lodge, 1025 Ebinport Road, Rock Hill, SC. Cost: Members $5; Guests $7. Time 7:00 - 11:00 pm. DJ: TBD. Contact: Debbie Brown at rockhillshagclub@gmail.com. Website: www.rockhillshagclub.com
DECEMBER 2025December 6, 2025 The Palmetto Shag Club will be having a Christmas Party at The Barn 680 Cherokee Lane West Columbia, SC 29169. The fun begins at 7:00pm with DJ Billy Fanning. There will be a Meal and an Open Bar. Cost is $25 for Associate Members, arrangements must be made before the party. For further information, contact: Susan Martin at 803-609-8170 or email susan.martin956@gmail.com . Web Address:www.palmettoshagclub.com DECEMBER 20: "CHRISTMAS" PARTY in Rock Hill, SC. Hosted by ROCK HILL SHAG CLUB. Location: RH Moose Lodge, 1025 Ebinport Road, Rock Hill, SC. Cost: Members $5; Guests $7. Time 7:00 - 11:00 pm. DJ: TBD. Contact: Debbie Brown at rockhillshagclub@gmail.com. Website: www.rockhillshagclub.com December 31, 2025 NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY in Columbia, S.C. hosted by Palmetto Shag Club LOCATION: Double Tree by Hilton, 2100 Bush River Rd, Columbia, SC 29210 (Located at Bush River Rd at I-20) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION TO FOLLOW. For further information, contact: Susan Martin at 803-609-8170 or email susan.martin956@gmail.com Web Address: www.palmettoshagclub.com